June 28, 2012

Plastic Challenge: Beth Terry, Week 25


Location:Oakland, California, United States

Name: Beth Terry

Week: 25

Personal Info:

I am the founder of MyPlasticfreeLife.com and have been collecting my plastic and attempting to live as plastic-free as possible since June of 2007.

See my previous years’ tallies at:

List of plastic items REFUSED this week. (Yay!)

Plastic bags, plastic cups, plastic bottles, plastic take-out container for leftovers

Total items collected: 2

Total weight: .025 ounces

Items: Recyclable

Items: Nonrecyclable
2 plastic envelope windows. Read about what envelope windows are made from: /2009/04/year-2-week-42-results-05-oz-of-plastic/

What lifestyle change(s) might be necessary to reduce my plastic consumption?

I will just continue to remove myself from mailing lists.

One Response to “Plastic Challenge: Beth Terry, Week 25”

  1. You are a fountain of inspiration, incredible! This photo is awesome, simply to the point but profound when one realizes what it took to achieve. Great radio show too, successfully magnifying your values, must feel good.