November 28, 2014

Plastic Challenge: Raven, Week 1

Plastic Challenge: Raven, Week 1

The biggest challenge I’m having with the plastic free lifestyle is keeping food fresh without plastic bags. I’m experimenting with different ways of storing home baked bread, but so far, nothing seems to work. Wrapping the bread in a cloth keeps it fresh about three days, airtight bread box, about 5 days, refrigerated bread (wrapped in anything) about 30 hours, but in plastic bag the bread lasts for nearly 3 weeks before loss of texture and/or mold. There must be a non-plastic solution. I’m on the look out for a breathable bread box, maybe something made from wood… or maybe some food safe kraft paper? Adding preservatives to the bread isn’t an option, as it is sourdough it has a decently long shelf life with only flour, water and salt. Any thoughts or solutions you’ve found for bread storage would be great.

Location:  Saanich, BC, Canada… Read the rest