February 18, 2012

Plastic Challenge: Sandy, Week 6

Plastic Challenge: Sandy, Week 6

Still struggling with the TP bags. When we considered the shipping cost and cardboard that would be required to buy non plastic packaged tp online it didn’t make sense. Wish there was someplace local but they’re even going to have to ship it in.

I looked all over for antipersperant in a non plastic holder and couldn’t find it even at Whole Foods. Even Toms is in the stupid plastic thing. Also, no luck finding shampoo. Any south bay store suggestions?

Location:Mountain View, CA, California, United States… Read the rest

February 18, 2012

Plastic Challenge: Sandy, Week 5

Plastic Challenge: Sandy, Week 5

Started trying to make stuff from things I’ve been collecting to upcycle this week. Made my sister luggage tags for her trip to Hawaii so I used the clear plastic from a takeout food carrier and some plastic from some electronics that we bought to make the clear part of the tag. Used recycled food boxes and some pretty fabric and sewed it all together. That’ll keep some of the plastic out of the landfill for a few years.

Location:Mountain View, CA, California, United States… Read the rest

January 18, 2012

Plastic Challenge: Sandy, Week 2

Plastic Challenge: Sandy, Week 2

I’m confused by this eco-friendly bag wine. It says its more environmentally friendly because it replaces 2 glass bottles. Not so sure.

Will be making some shopping bags for the family to save them from using plastics. I plan to line them with plastic tablecloths that I picked up at Goodwill. Does buying plastics and repurposing them really count as plastic consumption? Its already being recycled and repurposed but it hasn’t gone away. Someday even those bags will go to a watery grave.

This goes for the little pre bagged potatoes from the farmers market. I will reuse the red mesh bag and a yellow one so does it really count? Maybe I just haven’t figured it all out yet.

Location:Mountain View, CA, California, United States… Read the rest

January 11, 2012

Plastic Challenge: Sandy, Week 1

Plastic Challenge: Sandy, Week 1

I use the plastic take out trays from eating out for collection water under plant pots and for holding seedling boxes.

I also noticed that the plastic bottles from Sobe drinks are kinda cool looking. I’m saving those to use to water indoor plants that are high up. Since you can squeeze them I think I can drill a hole in the cap and use them to squirt up there.

Looked into purchasing the reusable poly veggie bags for shopping but don’t want to spend that much so I’m going to make some. Just need to figure out something that I can repurpose that would be made of the same material. Sad to notice all the bad food choices I made though by looking at the trash. Darn.

Location:Mountain View, CA, California, United States… Read the rest