August 8, 2013

Plastic Challenge: Hanh Pham, Week 7

Plastic Challenge: Hanh Pham, Week 7

Any plastic tips when you’re going camping?

Maybe bring my own ice from my freezer? What do I do if that ice melts?

What’s the best way to buy firewood without the packaging? Drive around and find a resident selling firewood from their front yard?

Seems like most camping or prepared foods are wrapped in plastic. Any ideas on this one?

Location:Chicago, Illinois, United States… Read the rest

July 15, 2013

Plastic Challenge: Hanh Pham, Week 5

Plastic Challenge: Hanh Pham, Week 5

What’s a graceful way to explain to people at the check out counter at a coffee shop or restaurant that I’m taking the Plastic Free Challenge so if they could refrain from serving me plastic that it would be appreciated?

There’s sushi restaurant that I love, but they use styrofoam containers. I am tempted to boycott the restaurant until they change their practices. I talked to the sushi chef about what he thinks about the future of fish, and he’s concerned. He thinks that the next generation won’t have bluefin tuna to enjoy in their sushi. I want to show the sushi chef a picture of how styrofoam affects the ocean and fish. Got any good pictures? Thanks!

Location:Chicago, Illinois, United States… Read the rest

July 15, 2013

Plastic Challenge: Hanh Pham, Week 4

Plastic Challenge: Hanh Pham, Week 4

Is there a non plastic alternative to Dr. Bonners? I buy it in bulk and use it for just about everything, but it’s in a plastic bottle.

Has anyone seen Bragg’s in a glass bottle? But even if it was in a glass bottle, there may be plastic around the lid. Has anyone tried making soy sauce?

I love sprouted bread, but it comes wrapped in plastic. Has anyone made sprouted bread? Or seen sprouted bread packaged in paper?

Location:Chicago, Illinois, United States… Read the rest

July 15, 2013

Plastic Challenge: Hanh Pham, Week 3

Plastic Challenge: Hanh Pham, Week 3

What’s the best way to buy bulk toilet paper without the plastic?

Besides buying produce at farmer’s markets, is there another way to buy produce without stickers and twist ties?

If you are attending an event and 21 and over attendees are asked to put a wrist band on so that bar knows who to serve and who not to serve, what’s a graceful way to refuse the plastic, nonrecyclable (probably tyvek) wrist band and ask for an alternative?

Last question, what’s the more environmental benefit choice – to reuse plastic produce bags that I have (which I have a lot) until they have holes in them OR buy new, meshy produce bags and throw the perfectly useable ones away?

Location:Chicago, Illinois, United States… Read the rest