The blog formerly known as   Fake Plastic Fish

Monthly Archives: March 2018

March 21, 2018

Mission to Alleviate Poverty and Plastic Waste in Haiti Ends in Trauma

A few days ago, I received a shocking email from my dear friend Burning Man campmate, art teacher Ann Clark.

You may remember Annie from the Plastic Footprint Project that she organized with her students to bring awareness to the problems of plastic pollution through art.  After retiring from teaching, Annie made several trips to Haiti, first to help build a school and next, to do art therapy with abused/neglected children.  During her stay, she became aware of the huge problem of plastic waste in that country.

This month, she returned to Haiti to continue her art therapy work and also help solve the plastic pollution problem.  We had a great Skype chat all about her plans, and she sent me lots of pictures to share on this blog from previous trips.  But life intervened, and I hadn’t had time to post those pictures and tell you about her latest project.  Then, a few nights ago, I received some very sad news.  After arriving in Haiti earlier … Read the rest