The blog formerly known as   Fake Plastic Fish

Monthly Archives: November 2013

November 30, 2013

A Tale of Two Plastic-Free Salad Spinners

Did you see the one that looks like a wire mesh basket but spins like a top?  Suddenly, I knew I had to find THAT one.  Ebay, maybe.   Or Etsy.  But try as I might, the only one I found for sale was one from Storenvy that was missing the base that keeps it stable.

We’ve had a Copco plastic salad spinner (aka lettuce dryer) for years.  Actually, Michael has had it since the 90’s before I was even a thought in his head.

I use it because we already have it, but I’ve never liked it.  It’s plastic, so it gets slimy and hard to clean out.  And it’s big.  It takes up a lot of valuable real estate in the kitchen.  From time to time, I’ve gone online and searched Google for “plastic-free salad spinner” or “stainless steel salad spinner.”  But I just keep getting tricked by this Oxo stainless steel salad spinner, which is only stainless steel on the outside.  The inside basket–the… Read the rest

November 27, 2013

Thanksgiving Dinner with Less Plastic

What are you doing for Thanksgiving? Michael and I are going to a potluck feast at the home of our friends David and Nancy. Our contributions will be baked yams, mashed potatoes, and a persimmon orange pomegranate salad. And nearly all of the ingredients will be plastic-free:

Salad greens, orange, pomegranate, persimmon, lemon, yams, and potatoes are from the farmers market.… Read the rest

November 25, 2013

New Plastic-Free AudioBook is out now with updated content

Do you ever feel like you have a little Beth Terry sitting on your shoulder whispering into your ear things like, “Remember your reusable bags.  Do you really want raw, organic cashews packaged in plastic?  See if you can find them in bulk.  Does that water bottle have BPA in it?”  Well, now you can listen to my voice for real.  (I think you’ll find my actual voice may be kinder and gentler than the one in your head.)… Read the rest

November 10, 2013

Thinking About Toothpaste at a Meditation Retreat

It’s been a busy two weeks, and I haven’t had a spare minute to write a blog post. I shouldn’t actually be writing one now because I’m at a silent meditation retreat, and it’s not really allowed.

But being here at the retreat center, a place I’ve come twice a year for the past 14 years or so, I remembered something that happened here 9 or 10 years ago, and thought I’d share.… Read the rest