The blog formerly known as   Fake Plastic Fish

Monthly Archives: March 2013

March 15, 2013

Invite me to come visit

You may have noticed I haven’t been blogging super regularly. That’s because I’ve been traveling around giving talks on plastic-free living in lots of cool places and meeting some amazing people.

Last week, I got together with Danielle Richardet (of the blog It Starts With Me), who cleans up plastic trash on her local beach with her kids and worked on getting smoking banned at the beach, and Bonnie Monteleone (of The Plastic Ocean Project), who has taken several trips out to the Pacific Garbage Patch to see ocean plastic pollution for herself.  The three of us gave a couple of joint presentations on plastic in the ocean and ways to reduce plastic in our homes and on our planet.  I discovered that presenting with other people, especially local people, is way more fun AND way more effective than simply doing it myself.

We talked to folks at the library in Greensboro, NC:

And we talked to folks at UNCW in Wilmington, NC:

The video from… Read the rest